Loving the new BBB site! Hi everyone, today I’ll endeavour to show you 3 3 Actionable SEO Tips, that are actionable and very quick to implement. I promise, they aren’t as complex as you may think, are very time friendly, and will send you on the right path to SEO domination.
Before I move ahead, I’d like to give a shout out to my friend Ray Milidoni, who suggested this blog piece as a way to help the community with their digital marketing plans, particularly for those of you who are just starting out. He’s a great mentor and has fantastic insights in business operations, check out his pod cast and website at RazorSharpShow which will be launching in the next few days!
1. Title Tags
Title Tags, for those who don’t know is what show’s up on a Google search. It is also what allows Google, and more importantly your potential clients to know what your page is actually about. Below is an example:
I’ve been through many websites, and it is a commonly overlooked, yet extremely important aspect of SEO. It could be considered the most important and first thing that should be optimized for a website. Therefore, it stands to reason, that every page of your site should have a unique title tag.
If you have WordPress with SEO Yoast or All In One SEO installed, this should be very easy and quick to change, go to your pages view, and scroll down. You will see the below, and make changes as necessary, if you’re have trouble, contact us at SEO Rank Up and we’ll guide you through it for free:
What this means for you
Being vigilant with updating your title tags, so ALL pages have one, will ensure you have more than just one or two pages that are optimized as landing pages. With the correct domain authority, you could find yourself owning multiple positions on a Google search on the first page (don’t think it’s a dream, I’ve done it in the past for a client).
Bonus: While you’re at it, update your meta description too! It’s the part the comes under the title tag. Essentially it’s your mini sales pitch.
2. Website Load Speed
How annoying is a slow website? Makes you want to leave it and move on to their competitor doesn’t it? This is one of my key gripes with any website that I visit. If you don’t load fast enough for my liking, which is pretty quick, I’m leaving and you’ve almost alienated me from your potential client base.
One of the easiest and effective ways to reduce your site load speed is to decrease the file size of your images. To do this you can use a very user-friendly tool called Webresizer. It will allow you to reduce the file size of your images without losing any quality to the naked eye.
Here’s an example:
What this means for you
Having a faster load speed for your site immediately increases your client’s overall happiness. I know it sounds silly, it really is a large reason why some people experience high bounce rates, and exit rates on specific pages, due to their site being slow to load. Once you’ve replaced your images check your speed using Pingdom, just make sure to change your location to Australia. At the end of the day, it’s a major annoyance for end users, and a quick fix for you.
3. Get rid of your pages that no longer exist!
The only reason these pages should exist, is if you are redesigning the page. In which case redirect it to a temporary page that says something like “New Page Coming Soon”, even then you want to keep it as temporary as possible.
The more technical term for this is the dreaded “404 error”, which people get when that page is gone. How these occur, is when you move a page to a different URL without placing a 301 redirect in.
This makes your site look very unprofessional, and may at time confuse people into thinking you’re no longer in business, as the page will come up looking something like this:
What this means for you
This one is a little more complex for people to implement (I’m sorry, but it was too important to ignore). You will most likely need to contact your web specialist and get them to implement a 301 redirect for you.
Tip: If you only have 1 or 2 pages to redirect, this shouldn’t cost much if anything at all.
Further to that though, once the redirect is in place, you will have a much cleaner website. And you won’t run the risk of alienating clients who mistakenly believe you’ve shut down.
I hope you’ve enjoyed and found this piece to be informative, and filled with tips that you’ll go out and place on your to do list. They are quite important to the success of your digital campaign, and shouldn’t be overlooked. Besides the tip about the 404 errors, the first two can be actioned quite easily, and if you space out the time accordingly, you’ll find it will be a very quick job to do. Until next time, have a fantastic day!