Being an entrepreneur often means working long hours, missing out on precious time with family and taking huge financial risks, all without knowing if your sacrifices are going to pay off in the end.
Dealing with the stress of work is difficult enough when you have one hat to wear – many entrepreneurs at the very beginning stage of their business are wearing numerous hats, all at the same time!
Shevonne and Jemimah, who started The Business Experiment podcast as a way to talk about the crazy reality of starting their own business, say that ‘partnerpreneurs’ can play a vital part in business success.
“We both honestly could not do this without their support and belief in us.”
Both ladies acknowledge that the support of their husbands, both physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially, is what’s enabled them to fully pursue their dreams and make their respective businesses successful – but it hasn’t come without a cost.
“Often partners sacrifice just as much as the entrepreneurs to help make their dream a reality. We wanted to understand more about what it’s really like as a partnerpreneur. So we asked our husbands what their top 5 tips are for other partnerpreneurs!”
Top 5 ways to be a great Partnerpreneur
1. Stay in the loop! It’s important to stay connected and have honest conversations with each other about how the business is going. Be a sounding board, offer positive suggestions and ideas and be kind with constructive criticism.
2. Make time for relaxation and things you enjoy. Starting a business can be all consuming for everyone involved. Prioritise time together and apart – keep up with activities or hobbies that you enjoy together and ensure you have some self care too.
3. Have the utmost belief in your partners’ ability to succeed. It takes an incredible amount of belief to be successful in business. Don’t underestimate how much your belief means to your partner. Do everything in your power to help them reach their business goals.
4. Help make home life easier. You undoubtedly will have to step up and take on extra responsibilities around the house while your partner grows their business. It’s all about teamwork, communication and realising that even helping in small ways can make a big difference.
5. Bring your own skills to the table. If their business grows significantly in the future, be prepared to step in and be an extra set of hands where needed. If you have some valuable skills they could use or can see an area where you could contribute – offer!
Despite some of the sacrifices they’ve had to make, Shevonne and Jemimah’s husbands – Paul and Dave – say it’s all worth it in the end.
“Seeing Shevonne blossom and use her creativity/strengths and seeing how happy she is when her clients succeed is a massive highlight for me,” said Paul.
“I love seeing Jemimah operating as a free spirit, unshackled from being directed what to do by a large company or organisation. Coming up with new, creative ideas, making her own contacts, working with those people of her choosing and seeing her self-directed lifestyle. I just know that she’s fulfilling her life-purpose,” said Dave.
Shevonne and Jemimah know first-hand how hard it is to start your own business. But they also know how fulfilling and rewarding it is – especially when you have your partnerpreneur to share it with.
“We want to help entrepreneurs and partnerpreneurs through the journey together. Don’t let it break you apart, keep connected, be the power couple, believe in each other. This journey will change both of you – grow together.”
You can listen to their partnerpreneur podcast here – https://omny.fm/shows/the-business-experiment/top-5-survival-tips-for-partnerpreneurs-and-loved