These free marketing tips will get the ball rolling locally, anyone can do them! I started my business 3 years ago from a damp flat in Melbourne off the smell of an oily rag. I knew web development, SEO and Hosting was a hugely saturated market but I also knew it could be improved and some of the problems small business owners were experiencing whilst dealing with these companies.
Being a people person and with some sales experience I found a few brilliantly simple and effective ways of getting myself out there and noticed locally. These aren’t for everybody and do take a bit of courage but you also have nothing to lose and no reputation to tarnish whilst you begin.
1. Gumtree
This is tedious but it works! I picked up my first 5 clients from Gumtree, yes there were small jobs but I didn’t care they were jobs I could add to a portfolio. Sometimes you have to buy clients when starting out. Gumtree has a ‘Wanted’ section under every category, go on this everyday and call as many people as you need to get your first sale. Be transparent and honest and you will get work but you MUST call! Emailing is no good.
2. Pounding The Pavement
No doubt where you live there are at least a few businesses. You should look at these business as opportunities and leads. Go in and approach them early morning, dressed to impress, take a business card and a coffee for them and you will knock them off their feet. You don’t have to walk out having sold them something but remember their name, send a follow up email and you will more than likely hear from them again.
3. Put on a Free Event or seminar
In business you have to be bold, this includes facing you fears sometimes too but a free event or seminar is a brilliant way of getting in front of people who are your target market. The key is that you are meeting people in the flesh who have come on their own accord to attend your event, these are people who want or need your product/service/expertise. You must give them something to take home, a manual, a freebie and someway of contacting you. You are guaranteed at least one new client.
4. Referrals
All of the above will lead to this gem if you have kept you word and over delivered. Referrals are the cream of the crop as you can set the price point. You want to treat Referrals with the utmost care as well as they have being personally recommended to you by someone they trust. Find out who referred them and send them some chocolate, wine or digital gifts.
This will sound strange but honestly, talk to your UBER driver and network, loads of them are part timers earning some extra cash whilst they run businesses or are entrepreneurs but they are usually all very well connected locally and know or have interacted with someone who can use your services. Always leave them a business card
Use these free tips to elevate and grow your business locally, you don’t need any special skills, just some drive and the ability to speak!