Embroidered clothing
Embroidery can be expensive if you are ordering the garment as well as embroidery BUT many places allow you to BYO the garment. Dig through your wardrobe and select your favorite business pieces you want to embellish with your logo. Costs of course depend on the number of colours, size and stitches. Some places also charge a setup fee so best get quotes before you begin. I have had BYO shirts done for as little as $6 per garment – a few cents more than your favorite cup of coffee. Still can’t justify embroidering your favorite shit?
Why not purchase some branded name badges instead! This way, you brand can be transferred to any garment you choose without being a permanent fixture.
Car Door Magnets
Go to Vista Print and get yourself a set of Car door Magnets. These are very low cost and useful way to advertise your business. They have 2 size options available but i highly recommend getting the larger ones as the smaller ones are a little too small (from experience!).
Branded Email Marketing
What could get more low cost than sending out FREE EMAILS! If you sign up for an email marketing client such as MailChimp, you can incorporate your branding into the templates and send out professional looking emails enhanced with your brand.
Create a Letterhead template in MS Word
Can’t justify the cost of getting 1000’s of letterheads printed when you are mostly a paperless office? Create a letterhead template in Microsoft Word so all of your documents are branded, enforcing your identity and looking professional (and free!)
Presentation Slides
Holding a presentation? Brand your PowerPoint presentation with your company branding. It does not have to be overpowering, but featuring your branding on every slide will reinforce your brand both visually and subconsciously.
Door Signage
Why not include a window sticker of your logo on your glass entrance doors? These can be accompanied by trading hours, just to give it more pzazz! If you have the budget, why not get one-way vision stickers so you can see out, but passers by see nothing but your brand!
It is all about making a great first impression! What low cost ways have you found to reinforce your brand?