Author: Marie Robertson-King

Unleash Your Productivity: Five Hassle-Free Ways to Automate Your Business Admin

Running a business can be hard. Juggling ‘all the things’ can leave us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. s a Virtual Assistant, I see the difference automation and ongoing support can make to business owners just like you. So today I’m going to share some hassle-free ways to boost your productivity by implementing five easy [and sometimes free] automations that will make a huge difference to you and your biz!

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My Top 7 Tips on how to work with a Virtual Assistant

As small business owners, we’re always busy juggling all the things. Maybe you’ve decided you need some extra help, but hiring a full-time employee isn’t an option for you right now. That’s where a Virtual Assistant [VA] can help – A VA can provide a flexible, cost-effective solution to help you offload tasks and create some head space for you to focus on other things.

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