Resilience. It’s one of those words. Everyone has a unique interpretation of it and most people want more it. So where to start? In our experience of working with hundreds of teams to strengthen their resilience, there are some key factors that contribute to being resilient, whether it be as an individual, or as a team. You’ll need a pen and paper.

Ready to begin?

First, let’s start with your unique definition of resilience. What is it? I challenge you to write it in a sentence – Your resilience, and your definition of it will be critical in informing how you build on it. What about your team…how would the team define its resilience?

Next, let’s recognise your existing resilience, so that we can build on it. In 60 seconds write down as many examples as you can where you or the team have shown resilience. Most people associate resilience with bouncing back, adapting or coping. Think about times where these were the key qualities you used to get through a time of change or challenge.

Now that you’ve build a picture of what your resilience looks like, let’s delve into key areas
that will assist you to build on it. Each of these areas are fundamental to building your

1. Adaptability – How do you manage changing conditions? Building resilience will require you to accept change and assess it with a view to identifying your next best step.

2. Confidence – When was the last time you considered your skills? Giving yourself credit for succeeding and encouragement to try is an important skill.

3. Purpose – What’s your “bigger picture”? By defining your purpose you are able to maintain greater clarity over your own direction, despite changing circumstances.

4. Social Connectivity – We are social animals. Don’t underestimate the need and benefit of human connection. Seek out those that that build your confidence.

5. Transparency – Resilience can fluctuate. Are you able to be honest with yourself and others….especially when support is needed?

6. Energy – last and not least: Your mind and body are part of your resilience structure. Don’t undermine your structure by forgetting to fuel and maintain it.

Let’s get one thing straight – we are all resilient. There is an inherent level of resilience in each of us…but we often don’t build it up in good times, so that we can draw on it when things get challenging.

Do you?