Congratulations are in order if your business has survived and bounced back from COVID unscathed. Unfortunately, businesses across all sectors experienced the unforeseeable, and some were unable to recover and had to close their doors permanently. While you are preparing for your business return, it’s important to have a solid crisis communication plan in place.

Here are a few things to consider while ensuring your business flourishes during these uncertain times.

Creating A Strategic Crisis Communication Plan

Following the crisis, there may be a change in demand for your goods and services. Research suggests that COVID has forced years of change in the way companies in all sectors do business.

This has caused many businesses to rethink the way they operate. Consumer buying has certainly differed from before the pandemic hit.

It’s important to have a realistic view of your current situation, and your communication plan should reflect the next phase of those plans.

Amend Your Core Messages

Nonetheless, companies may need to assess the sector or industry to see if there are any immediate modifications. Can your business adapt to those new changes while meeting the needs of the consumer and maintaining your company’s overall core values? It may require an amendment to your messaging.

How can your message be delivered most effectively? What campaigns and communication activities will need to take place? Has a budget been determined in rolling out the campaign?

Highlight Concise, Clear and Accurate Messages About Covid-19 Changes To Your Core Business

For instance, some restaurants closed their dine-in service, and as the pandemic waned, some gradually began increasing the number of diners in their restaurant at once. Some restaurateurs focused their attention on catering, takeout and gift baskets to strengthen their revenue stream. The gift baskets and charcuterie boards enabled an owner to tap into packaged foods for retail.

This is something they never considered doing pre-COVID. Their baskets boasted gourmet spreads, jam and assorted nuts and other items. These brand packages ranged from $30 to $250. The demand was so great, it became an instant hit among new and existing customers.

In this instance, the message highlighted the new offerings and how it meets their customers’ needs. Mainly, the content was concise, consistent and accurate.

 Communicate Covid-19 Pandemic Modifications To Your Business

A small furniture business closed its showroom to the public during COVID. Customers were only allowed to purchase online. Now, as cities and states are loosening restrictions, this business has slowly begun allowing customers in its showroom.

One thing it decided to keep in place was the online ordering. The company never sold directly to consumers online until the pandemic, which at times presented some new challenges.

Spotlight the Health and Safety Measurements At Your Establishment

Most of all, the business owner wanted to ensure his customers that while they allow customers back in the showroom, their safety is paramount. More importantly, this business requires customers and employees to continue to wear masks. They also assert that they will slowly expand their product offering.

Its message is clear that the business is welcoming everyone back, and it appreciates the support given during the pandemic. This simple adjustment in messaging was reflected concisely and authentically on its website and all media relations, and social media platforms.

Lastly, debrief with your team by measuring the company’s progress by reviewing any lessons learned.