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Email marketing is still a power hitter. After your other personal priorities before and after work, what do you check on your phone or computer? Not Facebook. You check your email. Why do you think businesses are constantly asking you for your email address? Because they can talk to you there.  If you own a business, your email list means revenue. With that list, you can instantly get in touch with the people who want your products or services. But it’s no longer a spray-and-pray method. Before modern technology, businesses used membership cards so they’d send the right catalogs to the right people. After all, they can’t send menswear and haberdashery to a senior lady living alone. Effective emails go the right people at the right time. 

Effective emails are personalized and timely 

Effective email marketing is personalized to your customers according to their needs and preferences. Otherwise, you’re just intruding.  Email inboxes are also unlike traditional mailboxes where people would collect their mail and browse through all the envelopes. In an email inbox, unless you send your email at the right time, you might not even get a glance.  You need to make sure you’re sending the right emails to the right people at the right time. This is where email marketing tools like Constant Contact makes things simple. 

Contact and list management 

We love email marketing tools because they help startups so much. You might come to digital with your contacts in Excel, Gmail, Outlook or Salesforce. In tools like Constant Contact, you can easily import them and start adding them to lists.  Lists and segments  Lists and segments separate your contacts according to several factors including customer behavior (downloaded your lead magnet, previous customer), location (important for timezones for best open rates, or for local promos), and various subscriptions (if you have subscription tiers/separate newsletters/drips), among others.  The more segmented, the more personalized your email, the more your chances of conversion.  email-list-segments Segments also give you the chance to re-engage with inactive users, reward your best customers, and implement a conversion drip on your leads or new subscribers.  Constant Contact updates these lists automatically and gives you templates and reports to manage your lists with optimized content, which you and your team can create especially according to the data in the reports.  create-email

Drag and Drop Templates

Constant Contact’s easy to use interface allows you to drag and drop elements to create a professional email that will look good on any device and screen size.  Next, you can send every email to the right people at the right time. Choose your segment and the schedule you want your email to arrive in the recipients’ inboxes. 

Reports and Insights 

Constant Contact also updates stats about your email’s success in real-time. These insights help you streamline your list, if needed, and to constantly improve and personalize the customer experience. 

Forms and Integrations 

Constant Contact also has built-in forms and integrations to gather your sign-ups in one place.  All these together give you a simplified and effective email marketing. Everything from signup to scheduling and reports all in one platform, which would help you with your email marketing strategy. When you don’t have to waste hours and hours trying to do all this manually, you can focus on strategy for conversions, and you’d have real data to work from, not guesswork!