Is every social media platform out to emulate Snapchat these days? It certainly feels that way sometimes. Earlier this year, Instagram released Instagram Stories, a Snapchat like feature which allows users to update a daily profile with content and media which is automatically deleted 24 hours later.
Hot on the heels of Instagram, Facebook has now also followed suit by launching ‘Messenger Day,’ an almost carbon copy of the two existing services.
Why the Emulation?
While copying features from competing social media platforms might seem to be in bad taste, Facebook’s release of Messenger Day is actually a very wise move. Snapchat and Instagram after all, are experiencing huge success with their respective messaging systems at the moment. What Facebook is, therefore, trying to do, is stem the flow of Facebook Messenger users who might be thinking about switching to one of the two platforms.
How Facebook Messenger Day can Benefit Businesses
Of course, while we all love the ability to promote our daily lives and activities for the sake of ego, the first thing which businesses should be asking themselves, is how they can utilize Messenger Day in regard to their ongoing social media marketing efforts.
Thankfully, the answer to this question is relatively simple. Because all Facebook Messenger Day posts are automatically deleted after 24 hours, individuals and businesses can employ effective trial and error testing to see what kind of content really benefits their social media marketing efforts and what kind of content doesn’t. Even better, Messenger Day allows users to monitor not only how many people view their posts, but also who views them.
Getting to know your Target Audience Better
By seeing who is interested in your social media content, you can start to identify common interests shared by your social media followers. This, in turn, will help you better fine tune your existing marketing efforts.
All that said, there is another potential key benefit for businesses who start using Messenger Day today. Messenger Day is new. In fact, the feature has so far only just been rolled out in Australia. This being the case, if you are looking to get ahead of your competitors, it’s definitely worth starting to use Messenger Day now, while there is still ample opportunity for even smaller businesses to gain significant social media exposure by doing so.