We see lots of grants’ q’s pop up in the Business Business Business Group, so we have invited Tara from Whitney Consulting to share with us her insights on Getting Grants for Businesses. As an ex-grants assessor, Tara Whitney knows what you need to say and do to get grant funding for your business.
This webinar will cover;
- Where to find grant funding
- How to prepare for funding success
- The key questions all funding applications MUST answer.
And you will learn where to go for funding and how to plan and write a quality application that will bring in the dollars.
Meet Tara:
Tara is the founder of Whitney Consulting, a regionally based consultancy that focuses on project planning and funding for regional and community development. Prior to establishing Whitney Consulting, Tara spent the past 7 years assessing and providing feedback on grant applications for the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program, the biggest grant funding program in Western Australia. Tara has a unique understanding of what assessors are looking for in an application. She has over 10 years’ experience in State and Federal Government and has been involved in the establishment of numerous grant fund assessment tools and processes