Outsourcing is such a buzz word these days. However, it’s a reality for the solopreneur if your goal is to build a business that can support you and your family. Whilst there is a great deal of commentary around the negatives of outsourcing tasks in your business and examples of outsourcing gone wrong, I want you to know that if you do your research and are prepared to trial a few service providers, then outsourcing can take your business to new heights! Here are some ways that outsourcing can grow your business.
Free up your time for strategy
Are you constantly stuck in catch up mode? Or constantly focused on completing tasks just to keep afloat? Outsourcing even the smallest of tasks will free up your time. It will allow you to focus on the strategy of your business. To move away from being IN your business to being able to work ON your business. This in turn gives you the ability to strategise in a way to grow your business to where you’d like it to be.
Allows you to focus on what you love and on your zone of genius
What is it about your business that you really love? What’s the passion that drove you to starting in the first place? Whether you have a product or service based business the core of what you do is that you want to make the lives of your customers or clients better in some small way. If you are continually immersed in the little tasks that need to be done every day, how can you give these people the love that you need to? Outsourcing the tasks that you don’t love or that are taking you away from your core desires frees up your time to do the things that fill your heart with joy!
Provides support and encouragement
Outsourcing is also just not about on handing off the ‘doing’ or task based activities. It can also be a valuable source of encouragement that can help your confidence and provide the necessary support to give you the momentum to take your business to the next level. A coach, mentor, graphic designer or even a virtual assistant can become your greatest cheerleader.
Do you spend hours googling how to do things? Add up these hours, the time it takes you to complete the task and assess the outcome. Is it the best quality it could be? Could your time have been better spent?
In many circumstances outsourcing (such as website, branding or email marketing) can result in a better finished product, increasing the perception of your business and building a quality reputation.
Refines your branding and image
Having time to strategise and refine your messaging will definitely result in an increased perception of you and your business. This has a direct flow on effect to your business growth.
There are so many benefits to outsourcing and how it can help you build the business of your dreams. A mindset shift from outsourcing being a cost to your business, to becoming an investment will result in growth for you and your business.