There is no doubt that co-working spaces have become the norm for entrepreneurs over the past few years, and while some locations can be very expensive, choosing the right one can be extremely convenient and cost-effective, saving you the hassle of setting up and maintaining your own office. Plus, if you use the space wisely, they often come with some extra perks.
Here are some tips on how to make the most out of your co-working space.
Sign up to one that suits your needs, as it may save you money in other areas
Entrepreneurs have varying needs. Some just need a desk at a convenient location, some need to shoot content, some need to store their product and get that product shipped. Consider what your needs are before choosing your workspace as you may be able to save.
Pay for what you need
If you choose to go with a co-working space that has additional services, make sure you make use of the services you are paying for. For example, if you are not going to use the studio every month, it may be more affordable for you to pay for your desk through a membership and pay for the studio anytime you use it, whereas if you are using it more often, it may be better for you to include it into a membership
Use the space as a networking opportunity
One of the best things about co-working spaces is that you have the opportunity to network and meet other people who are also doing interesting things. It’s likely you all share common ground given you’ve chosen the same location. Make sure you make the most of this opportunity, attend social events when your space is hosting them, chat to the other people in your lunch break as long as you are not disturbing them. This is a great chance to network so try to make the most of it.