Thank you for your interest in the Small Business Skills Summit

Thank you for your interest in the Small Business Skills Summit, we will be in touch soon! In the meantime please be encouraged to join our Facebook Event for the Summit and read some of the amazing posts we have in Learn Magazine here

Calculating Google Ads Viability for Your Business – Belinda Irvine

Calculating Google Ads Viability for Your Business – Belinda Irvine

In this skills webinar, Belinda Irvine walks through how to assess the viability of using Google Ads for different types of businesses. The session covers essential concepts such as cost-per-click, conversion rates, profit margins, and the importance of knowing your key business metrics. Real-life examples, including a financial planner, hairdresser, and a sound healer, illustrate the principles discussed. The webinar concludes with a Q&A session, providing practical advice for attendees on their specific business situations.

Productivity Hacks from a Brain Tumour Survivor: How Extreme Life Events Sharpen Your Focus

Productivity Hacks from a Brain Tumour Survivor: How Extreme Life Events Sharpen Your Focus

Loz’s personal journey of overcoming a brain tumour has shaped her resilience and mental clarity. Loz endured the unthinkable: losing her first love to suicide, facing brain surgery, discovering a hole in her heart, and being rejected by her father—all within a short span. This article dives into how going through major life events, like severe illness, can push someone to fine-tune their productivity and how others can adopt similar strategies without needing the crisis.

Lessons in Business with Darren Fleming

Lessons in Business with Darren Fleming

Darren Fleming is a behavioural scientist and author who explores the intricacies of mastering mindset for business and personal success. He delves into the reality of success, emphasising that it isn’t a single act but a series of decisions and actions that shape outcomes.

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