In every new venture, entrepreneurs are faced with a handful of uphill challenges such as breaking out to a larger market, becoming a relevant player in their respective industries, and driving business results under a tight budget. Start-ups need for their brand to stand out and grow in a competitive market.
Start-up companies with limited resources opt to bank their marketing strategies with digital marketing rather than traditional marketing. Digital marketing allows businesses to grow their consumer base without having to spend a large fortune. The strategy also allows a simpler way to measure what works best for business ventures with specific goals. The wonders of technology make viewing of results in real-time intuitive.
Start-ups on a shoestring budget need to be smart and efficient with their marketing strategies by heeding the holy trinity of digital marketing: content marketing, SEO, and social media.
Being the Best Answer on the Internet with Content Marketing
88% of B2B marketers use content marketing as part of their marketing strategy. Content covers every area of the Internet landscape. “How-to” blogs, infographics, memes, GIFs, and other elements have become the fuel in the content strategy machine of businesses. Content marketing helps start-ups generate more traffic and leads, and build brand awareness. Publishing relevant content regularly and communicating your brand message through storytelling build trust. Gaining the trust of your audience is one of the major keys to building a relationship with your market.
Being Accessible on the Internet with SEO
Two words that explain SEO the best: optimisation and authority. An optimised website can help businesses be visible in search engines and direct organic traffic to their website. You wouldn’t want to let visitors be turned off by a non-optimised layout for mobile, slow loading times, and broken links. Authority is about letting search engines know your business has the best content for its users. Treat SEO as an ongoing investment, not a short-term project. Have an SEO specialist check your website and make recommendations according to Google’s algorithm changes. Not ranking for queries on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) is as bad as not having your content exist at all.
Building a Voice with Social Media
In a survey conducted by Forrester Consulting, 41% of the users who engage with brands on social media discover and respond to paid ads on social networks. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter enable brands to interact with potential and actual customers. Your business doesn’t have to be present on every platform, but ensure that your brand is worthy to be followed or to be part of. Social media is one way of nurturing your relationship with your community and potential customers through conversations and interactions. In times when a company website is no longer enough, it is vital to develop your brand’s image through engaging social content.