People send almost 300 billion emails each day. This means that the audience for email marketing is massive. Email marketing has evolved over the last few years, and strategies that produced results four years ago have become obsolete. If your email marketing strategies aren’t working you may be making some fundamental mistakes. Here are five ways you can ensure your email marketing campaigns are high-converting and effective. 

Create Emails for Mobile Viewing

It’s obvious that mobile will dominate the future of communication, and the use of desktops to view emails is waning. Mobile devices are now used to view about 54 per cent of emails. Consequently, you must optimise your emails for mobile viewing. People typically delete emails that have non-compatible images or fonts. If you want to avoid this, you should send emails with mobile-optimised images and fonts.

Go for Personalisation

Relevant and valuable content should dominate your direct email marketing initiatives. Many email marketers believe that they will establish a personal rapport with email users if they address them by their first name. While such a strategy has its upsides, it’s not enough to guarantee higher email open rates. Instead, individuals will be receptive to emails that address their specific worries or interests.

When you progressively spoon feed your target audience with helpful insights and relevant tips, you will start to establish a personal relationship. But how can you know a user’s interest? You can learn a lot by tracking the behaviour of users on your website.

First, you can determine the user’s point of entry. Few website users start at the homepage. Most of your website visitors will come to your site to read a certain blog post. This is how you can determine what the user likes. Similarly, you can use cookies to know the website that the user came from or exited to. This will give you additional insights into the user’s preferences. The gathered information will inform the structure and particulars of your email content.

Use Short Subject Lines

The subject line determines whether a person will open or delete your email. Long subject lines may be descriptive, but they are not catchy. You may have heard that your subject line should average 60 to 70 characters. This is a fallacy since emails with subject lines in the 60-70 character range have little open rate. The open rate for subject lines that are longer than 70 characters has some promise, but the best rates were witnessed on subject lines with less than 60 characters. According to this research, subject lines with less than 10 characters have the highest open rate.

Design a Unique Landing Page

Once you have designed the email template and content, it would be better if your landing page matched that template. If a customer opens and reads your email, they will start to develop some expectations. For instance, they will note several of your offers, including discounts and free giveaways. So, they expect some benefits as soon as they click on the call to action. You can imagine their disappointment when they realise that none of those offers exists on the landing page. Consequently, your landing page must complement your email template. Remember, a simplistic design is always favoured because it doesn’t create unnecessary confusion.

Send Your Emails at the Right Time

When and how often you send your emails will influence the conversion rate. If you have a global clientele, you will have to send your emails separately to cater for the diverse time zones.

The best time to send an email is during the morning hours and in the evening. If you send your emails just as people are arriving at work, your email open rate will increase. Sending emails at 8pm in the evening may also enhance your business email marketing initiatives.

Final Take

Email direct marketing is a powerful tool that can change your marketing fortunes. But it can only happen if you use the right strategies. Talk to your digital marketing agency about how to refine your approach to maximise your outcomes.