Darren Fleming is a behavioural scientist and author who explores the intricacies of mastering mindset for business and personal success. Darren, known for his expertise in helping people control their attention and enhance productivity, shares invaluable insights from his journey and work. His conversation with co-host Clive Enever offers practical advice and thought-provoking concepts that can transform how business owners approach challenges and opportunities.

Darren delves into the reality of success, emphasising that it isn’t a single act but a series of decisions and actions that shape outcomes. He highlights the power of backing yourself, learning from failures, and viewing obstacles as stepping stones towards growth. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Success is a Journey: Success isn’t about one perfect decision but a series of actions and learning from outcomes, both positive and negative.
  • Back Yourself: Embrace imperfection and start, even if you’re not ready. The world is less critical than we often assume.
  • The Value of Mentors: A mentor provides wisdom from their experiences and can help identify blind spots in your approach to business challenges.
  • The Obstacle is the Way: Inspired by Stoic philosophy, Darren discusses how challenges are essential for personal and professional development.
  • The Unconscious Made Conscious: Drawing on Jungian psychology, Darren explains how unresolved inner programming manifests as recurring challenges and how addressing these can unlock growth.
  • Adopt a Growth Mindset: Recognise that the world happens for you, not to you, and every problem is an opportunity to develop the skills you need for success.

Darren Fleming’s insights provide a refreshing perspective on mindset and its role in achieving business success. His advice to back yourself, embrace imperfection, and view obstacles as opportunities resonates with entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey. 

Learn more about Darren Fleming:

For more wisdom, connect with Darren on his website or Darren Fleming on LinkedIn. 


  • [00:48] Meet Darren Fleming: Behavioral Scientist and Author
  • [01:32] The Journey to Success: Lessons Learned
  • [03:03] Overcoming Mistakes and Moving Forward
  • [04:05] The Importance of Mentors
  • [05:53] The Universe and Your Path to Success