Sales Without The Hard Sell eBook – Clive Enever


Many people find the thought of sales or selling frightening or at least mildly uncomfortable. People who fear sales, generally have such a view of sales as a result of their own experiences. Sales, however, is just a conversation.

Whether every business owner knows it or not, every business is about sales. But that doesn’t mean it involves ‘hard selling’. The actual art of sales is about bringing the customer to the ‘right decision’. The right decision is the decision that best solves the issue confronting the prospect.

Knowing you have the product or service the prospect needs to solve their problem means you are well placed.In this ebook Clive covers:

  • Breaking down the wall of the sales process,
  • Improving your conversation skills to boost sales, 
  • How to discover the weak link in your sales chain, and 
  • The numbers you need to know in sales.

Clive firmly believes that sales doesn’t have to be scary, and the act of selling is simply a conversation. However, for the conversation to be highly effective as a sales tool, particular skills need to be brought to the conversation.

About Clive:

With more than 30 years of experience in mentoring small to medium-sized businesses around Australia. Clive works with company owners and their teams to grow their business and achieve goals through strategic coaching. Clive tailors his proven methodologies and coaching approach to his client’s individual needs to deliver proven business results through tailored high impact mentoring.




Many people find the thought of sales or selling frightening or at least mildly uncomfortable. People who fear sales, generally have such a view of sales as a result of their own experiences. Sales, however, is just a conversation.

Whether every business owner knows it or not, every business is about sales. But that doesn’t mean it involves ‘hard selling’. The actual art of sales is about bringing the customer to the ‘right decision’. The right decision is the decision that best solves the issue confronting the prospect.

Knowing you have the product or service the prospect needs to solve their problem means you are well placed.In this ebook Clive covers:

  • Breaking down the wall of the sales process,
  • Improving your conversation skills to boost sales, 
  • How to discover the weak link in your sales chain, and 
  • The numbers you need to know in sales.

Clive firmly believes that sales doesn’t have to be scary, and the act of selling is simply a conversation. However, for the conversation to be highly effective as a sales tool, particular skills need to be brought to the conversation.

About Clive:

With more than 30 years of experience in mentoring small to medium-sized businesses around Australia. Clive works with company owners and their teams to grow their business and achieve goals through strategic coaching. Clive tailors his proven methodologies and coaching approach to his client’s individual needs to deliver proven business results through tailored high impact mentoring.


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