It’s that time of year again, where e-commerce sites are priming themselves for that last little boost of festive revenue. Here are a few last-minute promo ideas you can get off the ground quickly to capture those extra sales.
1. Highlight gift cards
With some quick graphics and dynamic homepage placement, you can easily promote the ever-popular gift cards. When customers are short on time or big on indecision, adding a few gift cards to cart are time-saving and pain-free choices.
2. Stuff those stockings
A ‘stocking stuffer’ page is a handy idea for quick, small gifts – some quick filtering will serve you up price-guided results so you can push a daily mini-gift idea and publish it quickly to your site.
3. Nudge those last-minute shoppers
Don’t forget to send out a quick email to capture any last minute shoppers too – remind them it’s not too late if they order now and push the option of e-vouchers if they’re really cutting it fine.
4. Get social
We all know how quick it is to throw out a quick tweet or share a picture on Instagram – social media is your best friend when you’re pushed for time and need to promote something quickly. Get savvy with your hashtags or create a gift guide on Pinterest to entice your customers.
5. Bundle up
Bundle-buys are ideal for upping the average spend and speeding up the shopping process when people are rushing. Get creative with how you bundle items – think theme, style, personality – and add these suggestions to the relevant pages.
Easy right? If you’re looking for more hot tips here we’ve produced a slightly more comprehensive list of Christmas promotion ideas you can try.
Get cracking – Christmas is right around the corner.