Category: Advertising, Marketing and PR

5 Ways to get my Social Media generating leads (without needing ads)

“My social media isn’t working” Is often what I hear. In response I ask, “Is it in your calendar? Do you have a strategy? Do you map it out?” Of which the answer is almost always NO on all accounts. Besides getting your marketing planned and into your calender, Ive created 5 ways you can get leads from social media without spending a dime on paid advertising. Enjoy

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Unveiling the Digital Strategy Behind Perfect Locks Llc’s Success

Priyanka Swamym, CEO of Perfect Locks LLC, shares her expertise on digital strategy: Start with a user-friendly website, use social media for exposure and engagement, employ organic marketing and targeted advertising, analyze data for optimization, utilize email marketing for customer retention, and prioritize consumer feedback for continuous improvement.

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Expert reveals eight tips for writing a press release that gets you noticed

A great press release can help open your brand up to a whole new audience and connect with your customers. But they can be difficult to write, particularly if you want to cut through the noise and make sure you get coverage.

Journalists don’t have a lot of time and believe me, they receive thousands of press releases. This means that, unless you grab their attention quickly, your press release may just end up straight in the bin. But how do you get yours noticed? Here are my eight top tips.

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Content as a Catalyst: Redefining E-commerce Value

In “Content as a Catalyst: Redefining E-commerce Value,” Ben Pu highlights the transformative role of content in e-commerce. Beyond traditional marketing, ShipSage uses content to educate, engage, and empower, sharing its vision of smart warehousing and tailored fulfillment. The strategy focuses on delivering in-depth educational material, engaging stories, and actionable insights, underpinned by a data-driven approach to refine content relevance and impact.

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Ace Your Digital Marketing: 5 Pro Tips, Including the Game-Changer ‘Empowered Understanding,’ for Aussie Businesses

In the world of modern business, there wild west of marketing can be daunting for SME’s and Start Ups in Australia. Wondering what are powerful marketing strategies that provide the key to success? Discover five crucial tips, including the game-changing “Empowered Understanding,” to supercharge your marketing and take your Australian business to new heights.

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Email Marketing Automation: Streamlining Your Outreach Efforts

In the digital age, where personalization and efficiency are king, businesses are perpetually searching for strategies that yield high ROI while minimizing labor-intensive tasks.

Enter: email marketing automation, a game-changer in the landscape of customer outreach. This sophisticated tool leverages technology to send the right message to the right person at the right time, without ongoing manual intervention.

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Embracing the Digital Revolution

In this article, we explore the essentials of running a successful digital marketing agency in the dynamic digital era. Key strategies include deeply understanding client needs, staying ahead of industry trends, and building a strong, diverse team. Emphasizing the importance of trust and transparency, the article highlights the significance of maintaining robust client relationships and delivering consistent results.

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