Often when websites are created, many think that’s where the work ends, but in reality, it is just the start! Websites (and email marketing) is one of the best ways to generate leads for your business, however, they do require consistent work.

Undertake these 5 updates on your site to have your site performing at its peak.

1. About Page/Headshots

About Page:

The About page is another sales-type page your potential customers read after the home page. This is where not only can you let them get to know you…but you can also share the why of they should be buying or working with you (dependent on whether you are a B2C or B2B). How is your looking? Is it up-to-date and relevant or could it be tweaked?

Head Shots:

Taking regular headshots is important, it gives your customers a sense of who they are working with! This can be especially important when (like me) you work virtually so often your customers/clients may never see you! Luckily for most of my clients, they can have regular Zoom’s so they do get to see me, but I honestly need to get new headshots completed this year as it has been a few years…and let’s face it, we all age (ahem change!).

When was the last time you had your headshots updated? Or do you have a team shot that may need updating or replacing because team members have changed!

2. Lead Magnet

A lead magnet such as a landing page, pop-up, opt-in or freebie is a great way to build your email marketing list. People give you basic info eg: name/email in exchange for receiving something of value from you.

Do you currently have one on your site and if so, how long has it been there? Be sure to review the statistics on the number of signups or downloads that have occurred (amongst other things) and review. Think about if it may just need tweaking or do you need to add a new lead magnet.

3. Plugins

Updating your theme and/or plugins is a great way to ensure your website is secure and not vulnerable to hacks. If you self-manage your website, always ensure that you perform a backup of your site (and this should also be occurring regularly!) before updating any themes or plugins.

When updating these items, ensure you do one at a time, then check your website to ensure that the plugin (for example) has not stopped something functioning or working on your site.

If you have a Website Developer who performs the maintenance, how often is this occurring and are you receiving reports about what has been updated? If you don’t remember the last time you received something, be sure to get in touch with them.

Updates should be completed on a regular basis – how often will depend on the changes that occur to your website.

4. Products / Services

Your key offerings to your customers – products for example – should be reviewed on a regular basis as:

  1. You may have added or removed products from your range
  2. Items can be out of stock / available for backorder / sold out

Services on the other hand should be looking at on (at a minimum) an annual basis or whenever you undertake a big review of your offerings.

Remember if you make any updates on your website, ensure that these are also updated (if not completed automatically) on your social pages, Google Profile Manager, other directory listings and anywhere else that you may advertise.

5. Testimonials / Portfolio

Testimonials or feedback from clients providing a review of your products and/or services offered. Be sure to ask every time you either sell an item; finish providing a service or perhaps they’ve written something nice in an email to you that you could use.

Portfolios relate to the specific work you’ve completed (predominately for service-based business) and can provide an idea of the client’s request, work completed and feedback from the client. Sometimes we’ve done quite a bit of work that we haven’t recorded or updated and having relevant and latest projects is another way for other potential clients to see what it is you have completed.

Remembering that consistency is the key in all that we do, so if it feels overwhelming to do it all, break it down into smaller, more manageable bite-sized work – pick one and start there, then the following month and so forth.

Your website will be up to date in no time. If you don’t have the time or are feeling overwhelmed, outsourcing is a great way to get this actioned.