Finding business ideas is easier than it may seem. Often, the best way to start your future business is through discovering your own talents, strengths and passions.
In this article, we’ll discuss how your personal experiences may benefit other people – your future customers, while making a source of income.
The fast paced world we live in today presents many opportunities as well as challenges. One of such challenges is the speed of life and social stigmas. And to fit in without losing your true identity is only possible when you draw on your strengths and stay true to yourself.
Yes, being yourself and continuously learning to be a better version of yourself, is the ultimate asset you have that will take you through your life journey.
Unfortunately, many of us (me not an exception) live long enough without realising our talents and our passions. And when you are about to make an important decision such as starting your own business, it is worth remembering that entrepreneurship is most often a bumpy road, as proved by life stories of many successful and not so successful business owners. Thus, it is worth investing time into knowing yourself, what inspires you and gives you motivation in life. Only after you define your personal drivers, you can start building your own business story.
So how exactly can someone find ideas for their business? Well, once you know what you are passionate about, try to see how you can monetize those passions. What talents you have or what comes to you naturally that can benefit other people? Do you have a great voice? Perhaps, you could create audio books in a specific niche. Or if your cooking skills impress your family, why not share them with others and help people (myself included) upgrade their chef abilities without increasing time in the kitchen? Every person being unique, has a set of talents others do not have and find value in. Shortlist your top 2-3 and then narrow down to one passion you’d love to pursue.
Another way of brainstorming business ideas is through analysing the gaps you personally experience in your daily life. For instance, if you have children and your morning routine with school drop offs gets easier when kids use a colour-coded clock to get ready, this same solution may benefit other families in a similar situation. This example of drawing on personal experiences and finding gaps in current offers is often seen with women who have designed their own handbag styles to fit what they would normally carry in their sack (from the computer to meet clients out of the office to nappies and weekend bags – all in different styles and colours). Thus, paying attention to daily chores, seeing how things can be improved for you or your family, finding better ways is a great starting point of developing solutions others may like, too.
Finding inspiration in forums and social media discussions can also give you an idea of what’s topical among internet users. Once you identify conversation trends and the problem behind, you may come up with a solution which can be tested by participating in those talks.
Whichever way you choose to find business ideas for your future venture, make sure to validate them. Misreading the market is number one thing why most start-up businesses fail. Do a diligent preparation through a variety of tools, such as keywords research if you’re going to start an online business, to make sure your market niche has healthy dynamics and there are enough potential customers in the fierce competition game.
Finding business ideas is the first step in starting a business. It is the most important part of the entrepreneurial journey that builds solid foundations of the future success. Do it without a rush and remember to pursue your passions making them a part of your unique and fulfilling life story.