Why bother? Why struggle and why strive? In the end one is getting out of here alive.
More than this, in three defiantly four generations no one will know or remember us anyway, aside from maybe some old pictures, certificates and titles.
Who am I living life for? Myself or the good opinion of others?
Invisible bars of expectations and limiting beliefs imprison me from experiencing who I truly may be and become. Not only to myself but to others.
The struggle to accumulate wealth and the approval of others leaves me burnt out and cynical. Full of worries and looking forward to embracing death, where dashed hopes and worries would haunt me no longer.
Step out in front of that car, jump off that balcony or maybe a quick slash with a sharp knife. It’s so easy to be one moment alive and then next, not!
I remember this self-talk starting back in 2010 and it carrying on at least up to mid-2014.
Looking back on these the dark years, I was truly broken, by my own doing and I believe by the will of God. My memory scars continue to heal today, however at that time back in mid 2014 I first needed to make a huge leap into the unknown.
Lost and confused, angry with myself and God and feeling abandoned, shamed, hurt, and estrangement from the pleasure of life. I considered my only remaining option and began my process of making peace with God (the Creator of all life). I remember many times breaking down and crying on this journey of disarmament, acknowledgement and acceptance.
The reason I share this with you is to encourage you and that to be alive is to feel pain, sorrow and fear. However if we are to feel truly alive, peace must be our foundation. The fact is God doesn’t need us, but we need God; for both our own peace and an enabler for us to experience a higher quality of life.
Regardless of what happens in my future, peace is my constant goal for myself and others, since I would not be where I am today without this experience, nor would I be as at peace with myself and life.
In mid-2014 an opportunity to do what I love in a location that inspires me every single day presented itself. The challenge involved a life changing transition, including but not limited to a change of office, new clients, transitioning existing clients, new licences, large sums of money to be borrowed and the unknown.
The place was Cairns and the thing I love to do is help people live their ideal life, without financial stress i.e. peace without worries.
Change is never easy however finding peace and making choices aligned to what is important to me made my decision all that much easier.
And with this confidence I stepped forward into the unknown, without any guarantees and holding true to my core values.
Here are some tips I apply to my own life:
- Be true to yourself. Do it for you.
- Exercise, get out and amongst nature and be no place else!
- Meditate, reflect, and find your own peace.
- Find a non-judgement environment and talk (especially men).
- Sometimes medication can help. Seek medical advice.
- Change your physical environment to one that inspires you.
- Discover what’s important to you and do these things daily.
- Get you financial house in order as this underpins greater confidence.