A few years ago, marketing experts predicted video will blow up and will be the #1 content type for marketing. We’re living that prediction now. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok have all joined YouTube in the video revolution. 

How are you doing with your video marketing campaigns? Are you getting engagement? Or crickets?

You don’t have to go by guesswork: go by optimisation

Video Marketing is all about optimisation and knowing what works and thanks to tools like TubeBuddy we can do that without the guess work.

Tubebuddy gives you the keywords, tools and tips you need to get your videos visible to your target audiences.

SEO applies to videos, and you need it to be seen.  TubeBuddy makes it so easy to optimise every videowith effective advanced keyword strategy.  

It’s a video. You need to hook your audience with visuals

No matter how great and life-changing your vlog is, no one will watch it if your thumbnail doesn’t look interesting enough. This is a visual content format. You need to be visually appealing!

TubeBuddy gives you easy-to-use tools to label and “decorate” your video thumbnail for maximum efficiency.

Maximum efficiency means edited, attractive and optimised video thumbnails without having to wait for your graphic designer! Use TubeBuddy templates and publish your videos in half the time! 

TubeBuddy also does A/B testing with your video thumbnails. which gives you insight on what works and what doesn’t, so you don’t waste time! 

No video is an island. Promote it. 

TubeBuddy also makes it easy for you to share your videos everywhere else. And when you do, TubeBuddy also tracks your success from those other platforms. How many clicks do you get on Facebook? On LinkedIn? 

Again, so much insight! All these insights and techniques boil down to effective video marketing that gets you ranked higher and higher in search results, which means even more views and engagement, which in turn means more data you can study about your customers and what they click and like. 

Install TubeBuddy today!

You don’t have to load and navigate a separate tool or app. Work right there on YouTube to grow and optimise your channel. All the features load right within YouTube’s website. 

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