We all love a good work/life hack and creating blog content is no different. Why make it harder for yourself than you need to?
A major pain point for people who blog is coming up with new ideas all the time. We often fear by sticking to a tight niche, that we are going to run out of things to say about it.
Ask me anything to do with analytics and I could talk the leg off a chair for one week under water! Actually come to think of it, it doesn’t matter what the topic is I pretty much talk like that anyhow…
To save you time in your blog and online business life you can well and truly use and reuse the same content in a multitude of ways. Not only can it save you time but it can also improve your analytics. This usually works best for evergreen content i.e. content that is timeless and not seasonal, relevant to your audience at any time of year.
By sharing the same content in different formats you are capturing an audience that is more receptive to that particular format on an array of platforms that you may not ordinarily use. Ergo, increasing page views, users and time spent on your site, to more email subscribers and sales conversions.
And don’t sweat thinking you might sound like a broken record, some people need to hear the same thing 5 times before it flicks the right switch and they finally get it.
Blog post
Pretty obvious that we’d start here and use this content to serve our audience and entice people to our website.
As we touched on before, we can cover a lot of ground talking as opposed to the written word. Podcasts are great for people who consume content on the go and by linking it to a blog post with ‘show notes’, you’re also double dipping your audience enticing them to connect with you more than once.
Using the blog content in a webinar is an incredible sales and education tool.
Keynote Speech
If you are invited to speak in person, I highly recommend using blog content to form part of your speech. People will walk away having been inspired and or learned something and more importantly, they may even action it! Encourage them to report back to you with feedback.
Free Guide – One Page
This could be repurposing the blog content in the form of a very short, succinct ‘how to’ piece to giveaway to readers.
Packaging your blog content into an eBook, is a great way to earn a bit of additional revenue on your blog if you choose to charge for it, otherwise you can offer it for free.
You can use your blog content to form part of a much larger eCourse or even a free mini eCourse as a lead into a larger paid product you may offer.
An opt-in or lead magnet is something you give your email subscribers as a ‘Thank you’ for signing up. You can even package up your top 5 blog posts in an appealing way.
Our brains process image 60 000 times faster than copy which is why these perform really well! They take a bit longer to make but even canva.com now has nifty infographic templates you can make them on for free. Simply pull out the main points of your blog post and whip it up!
Pinterest Optimised Image
You can use the really grabby title from your blog post to entice your readers to your site and use some copy as an excerpt in the caption below the Pinterest image when you share it.

Pin Me!
You can repurpose your blog post copy to use in your newsletter to your subscribers. I would suggest offering the first paragraph or so and adding ‘Read more…’ with a hyperlink to the original post.
Video embedded on site
You can use your blog content to create video, maybe it is you speaking on the video or perhaps it is instructional ‘how to’ content that helps or shows people how to do something. By having the video embedded on your site it keeps your audience there increasing your Avg Session Duration.
Facebook live
These are a great way to grab the attention of your audience. They get to see you real time and learn something. By giving an overview of the blog post content you can send them to your site by adding the link in the post.
Facebook Groups
By using blog post content in FB groups you are helping to serve the people there and network with others with in your niche or that have your audience.
Facebook Page
I would suggest to use this in the same way as your newsletter, by offering the first paragraph or so and adding ‘Read more…’ and add the link to your post on your site.
Instagram Video & Stories
You can use the Insta video feature the same way as FB live, but obviously live unlike the new Instagram Stories and you can’t link out from the post, only in your profile bio. Ensure to use relevant hashtags or the hashtags that are popular for your target audience for a bit of extra reach and engagement.
Instagram Post
You can use an expert of blog post copy to caption your images.
You can use this the same way as Facebook live – bearing in mind you’ve got 15 seconds to a single video. So I’d advise to summarise the Blog post content.
Two ways to use your content here. You can share it directly to your own Google+ profile or sharing it in relevant Google+ communities. You can do a search and join communities in your niche, but, they’re mostly US based.
Twitter Excerpt
Obviously we’ve got a limited amount of characters to play with here but if there’s a really poignant quote or your blog post has a super punchy title, use it!
LinkedIn – Native Content
You can publish native content on LinkedIn if you have a profile. I wouldn’t use your original blog post copy word for word, I’d edit it up since your audience on LinkedIn are going to be other thought leaders in their space, not your end users as much.
Print & Digital Publications
Since I keep thinking up new ways to reuse content, you can also use your blog posts as submissions to print or digital publications – such as this one right here!
Why These Improve Your Analytics
You’re creating an incredible web of similar and very relevant content by using the same keywords and phrases on your various social networks, which gives your site a big fat SEO injection.
Here’s a bit of a challenge for you…
Try 3 different things off this list that you wouldn’t normally do with your content and let me know how you go!
You can tag me in your socials or drop a comment below the original post on my website here, I’d love to hear how you get on and the results you get.
Cherie thanks for sharing some great tips with us
My pleasure! Hope it helps!