Author: Gareth Hoyle

Expert reveals eight tips for writing a press release that gets you noticed

A great press release can help open your brand up to a whole new audience and connect with your customers. But they can be difficult to write, particularly if you want to cut through the noise and make sure you get coverage.

Journalists don’t have a lot of time and believe me, they receive thousands of press releases. This means that, unless you grab their attention quickly, your press release may just end up straight in the bin. But how do you get yours noticed? Here are my eight top tips.

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8 productivity hacks that actually work

Emails, channels, tools, strategies, meetings, data, reporting – no matter what your job title is, you might feel like you spend your time juggling an ever-expanding list of priorities. So how can you get more done, without having to find even more hours in your already busy schedule? Well, increasing your productivity doesn’t mean working longer hours – it means getting more done in the hours you already work. Gareth Hoyle, Managing Director at Coveragely, shares his top 8 productivity hacks.

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