Category: People and HR

Productivity Hacks from a Brain Tumour Survivor: How Extreme Life Events Sharpen Your Focus

Loz’s personal journey of overcoming a brain tumour has shaped her resilience and mental clarity. Loz endured the unthinkable: losing her first love to suicide, facing brain surgery, discovering a hole in her heart, and being rejected by her father—all within a short span. This article dives into how going through major life events, like severe illness, can push someone to fine-tune their productivity and how others can adopt similar strategies without needing the crisis.

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Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Employee Engagement

Employee experience expert Clare Willenberg explains how business leaders can transform a disengaged workforce into a
high-performing team. When productivity begins to wane and year-end targets loom on the horizon, leaders need effective strategies to reinvigorate their teams and maintain momentum. Clare outlines six proven strategies to boost employee engagement that will increase productivity and create a happier work environment.

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7 Smart Strategies to Maximise Restaurant Seating Capacity Over the Christmas Period

The Christmas period in Australia is an opportunity for restaurants to maximise profit but it can also be an overwhelming time, with a marked increase in footfall.

Many venues have to turn down customers due to a perceived lack of space, but here are ways to manage your venue’s layout and reservation processes to increase capacity.

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Mindset Shifts. Unlock your Greatness by shifting to a growth mindset.

Mindset is the beginning; it is the foundation upon which all success is built. More often than not, we admire those who succeed more for their relentlessness and never give up attitude than for the actual achievements and successes. Beyond mindset there is the discipline to build the right habits in order to live the life we want. Changing your mindset can make the difference between achieving your goals or stay stuck living an unfulfilled life.

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Calling a Busy Woman ‘Superwoman’ Isn’t the Compliment You Think It Is

Someone glances at a woman balancing work, family, household chores, and personal life, and they say with admiration, “Wow, you’re such a superwoman!”

At first, it sounds like a compliment, right?

But dig a little deeper, and it’s not as flattering as it seems.

Instead, this title serves as a societal cop-out, a convenient way of avoiding the real conversation:

Women are taking on far too much and need help—not applause.

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Wins and fails as 7 years as co-founder and CEO of a tech company

Zebrar celebrates seven years of innovation and resilience as a female-led tech company. Defying industry odds, with 50% of businesses failing within five years and women holding just 16% of leadership roles, our success is built on teamwork, financial diligence, and cutting-edge solutions. Despite challenges , our core values—innovation, authenticity, and delivery—drive us forward. With exciting growth ahead, we continue pushing boundaries in immersive technology.

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