Sometimes we make the mistake of compartmentalising our lives. There’s a section devoted to work, another to family, one for finances, a separate box for friends and a basket full of a whole lot of ‘other’.

But often the strategies that make you successful in one arena also allow you to experience joy and success in another.

So, what’s the key? Let’s take a deep dive into some of the successful strategies for work (and life).

Know your why

Your ‘why’ is the catalyst that drives you through all things in life – in business, in your relationships, in your career and beyond.

It’s why you do what you do, why you get up in the morning and the reasoning behind what you hope to achieve.

When you know your ‘why’, it makes planning, goal setting and decision-making in all aspects of life a whole lot easier.

Set goals

Everyone has dreams and ambitions for what they want out of life. Make them real by setting them as personal goals.

When you set goals, you establish the things you want and you can start planning to attain them. They become tangible milestones that you can work to achieve.

Make a plan

Life’s short, so what’s your plan to achieve all that you want to in the limited time you have? In business, we often talk about the importance of planning, but it’s no less critical in all other aspects of life.

When you have a plan, you have a strategy to achieve what you want to, whether that’s buying the right house, shifting careers at the right time, creating a nest egg for your family, or building a business.

Planning allows you to prepare and take the action steps you need to in order to get where you want to be.

See mistakes as opportunities

As the old saying goes ‘to err is human’. Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s what you learn from them that matters the most.

This applies across all areas of life – at work, in relationships, in business, financially and more.

Develop good habits

Regardless of what your goal or plan is, good habits are the foundations to ensure they happen. 

From what you eat, to how much you exercise, the way you manage your money and the time you set aside for what’s important, good habits set you up for success across the board.

Prepare for the unexpected

As much as you can plan for what you hope will happen, sometimes life doesn’t follow the script. That’s why it pays to prepare for the unexpected.

Preparing for the unexpected involves having safeguards in place should something go wrong, and also developing the resilience that allows you to think outside the box and pivot when something’s not working or isn’t going to plan.

Learn to say no

In business, in your career and throughout life in general, there will be times when you simply need to say no to some of the tasks and requests competing for your attention. And it’s an important skill to master. When you say ‘no’ to the extraneous, you free yourself to focus on the goals and plans that are important to you.

In addition, you will find yourself less prone to stress and overwhelm and able to focus on the tasks that matter the most. 

Get comfortable being uncomfortable

There’s a sense of security in staying within your lane and basking in your comfort zone. But this isn’t where the big achievements of life are found.

When you get comfortable with being uncomfortable, challenge yourself and ask ‘is there a better way?’ that’s when life offers up some of the greatest learnings, milestones and accomplishments.

Take smart risks

That’s not to say you should throw caution to the wind, however. If you’re taking a risk, ensure it’s a smart one, based on research and planning.

Smart risks involve assessing all possible outcomes, and knowing what you need to do to achieve the aim you hope for.

Invest in relationships

Life and work can be busy. It has the potential to be transactional, but in every aspect, it’s important to invest in relationships. These include taking the time to nurture relationships with those most important to you, such as family and friends, but also those important relationships in business and your workplace.

Great relationships are the safe harbour you can retreat to when things don’t go to plan. More importantly, they are the interpersonal connections that spark the most joy in life.