Category: Running a Business

Unveiling the Digital Strategy Behind Perfect Locks Llc’s Success

Priyanka Swamym, CEO of Perfect Locks LLC, shares her expertise on digital strategy: Start with a user-friendly website, use social media for exposure and engagement, employ organic marketing and targeted advertising, analyze data for optimization, utilize email marketing for customer retention, and prioritize consumer feedback for continuous improvement.

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5 Important Reasons Service-Based Businesses Need A Google Business Profile

As the principal of a family law firm in Perth, one of the key areas of my business that needs regular attention is online marketing.

Marketing for service-based businesses can be both challenging and time-consuming.

However, there is one channel that as a business owner, I believe can make a huge impact on brand awareness and lead generation for service-based businesses of all sizes and across all niches, and that’s Google Business profiles.

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Small Business Website Secrets: Turn Clicks into High-Quality Leads

Ever wondered why, even if your small business has a website that’s supposed to bring in customers, it’s still hard to get people to reach out?

To help you overcome this, I have curated a list of some of the best elements that can significantly boost your average click-through rate and increase your small business life expectancy more than the average small business.

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Sustainable Solutions: Transforming Business Projects with Sustainable Development Goals

It’s common for novice entrepreneurs to overlook the potential advantages of incorporating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their startup ventures. However, doing so not only enhances appeal to future clients but also captivates the interest of investors, offering substantial benefits that are often underestimated.

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Navigating the Business Journey: Reflections, Learnings, and Advice from Experience

Embark on a successful business journey with insights on consistent planning, reflection, and the importance of revisiting business plans. Learn the value of networking, especially for sole traders, and the key role financial understanding plays in business growth. The article also explores the benefits of partnerships and seeking investors, offering a perspective on the flexibility of sole trading, navigating external challenges, taking risks, resilience and taking inspired action

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Take Risks and How to build Momentum

Controlled risks are the secret sauce of business triumph, especially when paired with building unstoppable momentum. These risks are your gateway to innovation and growth, while momentum keeps you charging ahead, driven by those small wins that ignite your confidence. In this post we will explore the keys of building momentum and to not be afraid of risks in order to achieve success in life and bussiness.

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Preparing for the Holiday Season: the Christmas Cash Jingle

Angus Sedgwick is the CEO of leading Australian financing company OptiPay and has some great advice on avoiding cash flow challenges during the busy holidays ahead. Whilst some SMEs are preparing to wind down over the holiday season, for many Australian businesses this is their busiest time of the year and they’re preparing to make their biggest profits.

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Building Momentum Towards Embracing Risks: The Path to Genuine Gladness

Embracing risk can be a daunting journey, but it’s one filled with valuable lessons and rewards. This article explores the steps to build momentum towards being genuinely glad you took that leap of faith. It emphasizes the importance of a clear vision, a supportive network, and learning from failures. Persistence and patience are highlighted as essential virtues on this path to achievement.

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Business Bloopers: Embracing Mistakes on Your Business Journey

The Fear of Messing Up – It’s Real! Today, we’re diving into a topic that plagues both new business owners and seasoned pros – it’s the fear of messing up.

Let’s dive in… we’re going there because let’s face it, we’ve all done it (messed up in some way!).

It’s an unspoken thing among entrepreneurs and business owners, it begs the question… Why do so many fear failure in the first place?

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