Category: Legal

What to Expect from Settlement Negotiations

Being involved in any sort of legal dispute can be overwhelming and stress inducing. People are often particularly worried about having to go to court and appear in front of a Judge. And, giving testimony can be considered a harrowing experience. While going to court is always an option, settlement negotiations can help you avoid expensive and stressful litigation.

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Are codes of practice legally binding?

Codes of practice are not simply nice business behaviours that we should all demonstrate, although they are that too. Workplace codes of practice are the minimum standard practical guides that help employers and workers comply with the work health and safety (WHS) laws in Australia. They cover various aspects of workplace safety, such as hazards and chemicals management, and the safe performance of specific tasks. But are codes of practice legally binding?

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Paid Parental Leave Changes 2023

The Australian government has announced plans to extend the paid parental leave from 18 weeks to 26 weeks over the next four years. This move is aimed at closing the gender pay gap, increasing women’s participation in the workforce, and providing families with more flexibility during important stages of their children’s development. Learn about what changes are coming, and what they mean for Employers and Employees in this article.

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Top 5 Tips for Minimising Your Tax Burden

Discover five essential tips to minimise your tax burden while staying compliant with tax regulations. From understanding the tax system and maximizing deductions to utilising tax offsets, planning investments wisely, and seeking professional help, these strategies will guide you towards a smoother and more advantageous tax season. Take control of your finances and keep more of your hard-earned money with these expert recommendations from a certified accountant.

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Workers’ Compensation investigations and what they look for

Workplace injuries, whether physical or mental, are sometimes straightforward, but often are anything but straightforward and can be quite complicated. Where there is uncertainty regarding the facts, or where any degree of accidental or deliberate fraud is suspected, it may be necessary to instigate an investigation. Rolf Howard discusses what you need to know.

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